Videocraft has over 3 decades of experience in Systems Integration. We pride ourselves on our high quality installation work and attention to detail on system design.
Every Systems Integration job is unique so we begin the process with a detailed consultation to determine the requirements of the end users, the different challenges they face and problems they need solved.
From initial consultation we go through rigorous system design with full technical schematics through to customer approval, physical build and engineering, commissioning and hand over.
We are always looking at new technology and different ways it can be used in system builds.
Our work does not stop once the build has finished, we can continue to support you with our Customer Support Plans to maintain your facility well into the future.
Our design and integration capabilities for permanent or long-term facilities include:
- OB Trucks
- Flyaway Kits
- Television Studios
- Production Control Rooms
- Post Production Facilities
- Master Control Rooms
Some of our previous installations include
- AFL Media Studios, Control Rooms and Post Facilities
- Network Ten Sochi Olympics temporary Control Rooms, MCR and Post Facilities
- RMIT Studios, 2 x UHD Studios and 2 x HD Studios and Control Rooms
- Deakin University OB Truck
- Sports Bet Studios and Control Rooms
- NRL Online Studios and Post Facilities